Johnny – Park City

I’ve been a professional ski patroller for over 28 years. 16 years ago, as part of The Canyons Ski Patrol, we had the chance to make a real difference. We voted to join together and negotiate for our wages, compensation, and working conditions as The Canyons Professional Ski Patrol Association. It’s impossible to appreciate how empowering and uplifting that democratic process can be without experiencing it first hand.

This is your chance!

Joining The United Professional Ski Patrols of America we can elevate ourselves and the industry we love. We stand at the precipice of a giant wave and it is only us who will decide if we change the tide or quietly roll back into the ocean and wonder what might have been.

-Johnny Miner, Park City

Noah – Park City

WE have the best job in skiing. Where else do you get paid to enjoy the outdoors, blow s#?t up, and ski every day with a bunch of super cool misfits?

The amount of training that we are expected to have, the professionalism we exhibit and the camaraderie we share is pretty remarkable. This is not experienced in very many jobs and it is all done for very little compensation and without much attention to a future. Recently we have…been trying to express why it is so important for us to maintain a union. The common things we point to are the importance of fair treatment in the workplace, having a voice to enact real change and protection of our jobs. For me, it is the fact thatI love my job and it is a desire to do this as my career.

Because of the protection the union affords us, our patrol has kept together, retained our experience, and has had success.

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